Borrowing / FAQ

Library Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday, 10:00 – 13:00, 14:00 – 17:00

The library is closed on Australian public holidays and specific Chinese public holidays, for specific closing dates, please visit the official site (

Notice to Readers:

1.  The library is open to the public for free, all collections and materials are available for browsing within the library and access to computers is provided for free. 

2.  Readers are to use allocated computers only, please ask the librarian for log-in information. Computer usage is limited only to accessing our digital library or browsing/researching China related materials.

3.  All lending procedures must follow “China Cultural Centre Library Loan Regulations ”.

4.  Please speak softly and do not litter or smoke in the library; food, drinks and pets are not permitted within the space.

5.  Please cherish the library’s books and facilities, a compensation to the library will be charged if a reader is found damaging any books or facilities.

6.  Children under the age of 12 needs to be under the supervision of a parent or guardian.

7.  The library offer readers print and copy services. Photocopies and excerpting is minimally allowed for copyrighted materials; collections prone to damage are not permitted to be photocopied/scanned. Fees for printing/copying (black and white only) are as follows:

China Cultural Centre Library Loan Regulations

1.  All resources and materials in the library can be freely viewed and borrowed with the exception of magazines and classical collections which are only to be viewed within the library. 

2.  In order to borrow books, readers must obtain a membership card by filling the application form to become a registered member of China Cultural Centre. A valid identity document is needed for application. The membership card is not transferable to others, otherwise the member will be prohibited to lend for a period of one month.

3.  A $50 AUD deposit is required when borrowing books; a $100 AUD deposit is required for audiovisual products. This deposit will be returned upon the condition that the books/audiovisual products are returned undamaged.

4.  Each registered member can borrow up to 2 items for a period of 30 days. A loan can be renewed only once for a maximum period of 10 days. Members can extend their loan via phone call, email or through the website (

5.  For books not returned past due date, the centre will charge $1 AUD per week (less than a week counts as a week), and temporarily suspend the membership rights of the borrower.

6.  Readers should take care of all resources and materials in the library. If a reader is to be found writing on, ripping or folding the pages, a fine of $1 AUD will be charged for each damage dealt. If a book/audiovisual product is stolen or lost, the borrower must compensate to the library within a specified period. The borrower will need to provide a brand new copy or pay $50 AUD in addition to the amount equivalent to the value of the book/audiovisual product. If one book within a collection is stolen or lost, compensation will be charged at the value of the entire collection. Refusing to compensate will result in termination of membership rights and may result in legal actions depending on the situation.

China Cultural Centre reserves the right to interpret matters not covered in this regulation.

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