About the Event

Dear young friends,

Exchange among civilizations spurs diversity, mutual learning promotes colourful civilizations. Different civilizations complement each other and together constitute a world that blooms with cultures. To write a new chapter of friendship among young people around the world by further strengthening communication and understanding, China Soong Ching Ling Foundation, with the support of the Bureau of International Exchange and Cooperation, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China, together with China Cultural Centers Overseas, is delighted to invite teenagers aged 13 to 16 around the world to participate in the 2023 China Soong Ching Ling Foundation “Junior Cultural Ambassadors” Event.

China Cultural Centre in Sydney and the Australian Soong Ching Ling Foundation will jointly host the 2023 China Soong Ching Ling Foundation “Junior Cultural Ambassadors” Event in Australia from 26th July to 2nd September 2023, selecting a number of outstanding candidates to participate in the 2023 China Soong Ching Ling Foundation Global “Junior Cultural Ambassadors” Event. The arrangements of the Event are as follows.

The Arrangements

I. Theme


Bridge of Friendship & Ambassadors of Culture


II. Theme of 2023 Event


My Dream Cities in China


III. Organization


Sponsored by: China Cultural Centre in Sydney and Australian Soong Ching Ling Foundation
Organized by: Huaxing Arts Group Australia


IV. Eligible Participants


Teenagers aged from 13 to 16 (born between January 1, 2007 and December 31, 2009) are eligible to participate.


V. Awards


1. Participants are required to submit video works to participate in the preliminary competition.
2. The final competition will be conducted offline, and 10 winners will be selected including 1 First Prize, 3 Second Prizes, and 6 Third Prizes.


VI. Evaluation Terms


The preliminary competition will invite professional judges to conduct the evaluation and select 10 outstanding participants, who will participate in the final competition held at China Cultural Centre in Sydney on 2nd September (Saturday). 1 First Prize, 3 Second Prizes, and 6 Third Prizes will be selected with certificates and awards.


The winner will be recommended to participate in 2023 Soong Ching Ling Foundation Global “Junior Cultural Ambassadors” competition. If selected as “Junior Cultural Ambassadors”, the winner will visit Beijing in March 2024 to attend the award ceremony and take part in a one-week study and tour programme on Chinese traditional culture.


VII. Online Registration


1. Please submit the completed registration form (attached) and video materials as required to office@cccsydney.org marked with Registration for the 2023 China Soong Ching Ling Foundation “Junior Cultural Ambassadors” in Australia.
2.The deadline for submission is by 20th August 2023 (based on the email timestamp).
3.For inquiries, please contact info@cccsydney.org.
4.For further assistance, you can also reach us by phone at (+61) 02-82283050.


VIII. Entry Requirements


1. Languages
It is recommended participants to record their submissions in both Chinese and English. The use of Chinese is encouraged, and will be given extra points in the judging process.


2. Length
The video should be less than 4 minutes. The duration of the self-introduction and ending part of the video should be less than 1 minute, and that of the main body should be no longer than 3 minutes.


3. Contents
(1) About the author
(2) Main body:
A city is the epitome of civilization. The history, culture, folk customs and scenic spots of different cities have shaped different urban qualities. Please tell about the Chinese cities you have been to or aspire to. Tell or demonstrate the natural and cultural heritage, economic and social development, traditional food, local customs and other contents of Chinese cities. With rich content closely related to the theme, your video should be well produced and compelling while evoking emotion.
(3)If you choose to showcase your talents through singing, recitation, calligraphy, painting, or any other form of artistic expression, it is crucial to ensure that your performance is relevant to the theme and integrate your impressions of a Chinese city you have visited or aspire to visit (as outlined in the second requirement).


4. Video Format
The video needs to be shot horizontally, with clear, stable image quality, complete composition, and synchronized sound and picture. The video should be uncompressed avi, mov, wmv, mpg, etc., with a resolution of 1920*1080. Unauthorized materials and videos should not be used, and watermarks, trademarks, and subtitles are not allowed in the video.


IX. Reviewing and Awarding


The entries submitted will be subject to preliminary review, online display and poll, and a final review by professionals before the awards are determined. The award ceremony will be held in March 2024. More information will be released from the web-page of the Event.

1. The entries should be consistent with the theme of the Event, featuring healthy and positive content. Texts or picture information that are likely to stimulate debate should be avoided.
2. All entries submitted should be original and with no infringement of the copyright, patent rights, trademark rights, reputation rights, and/or other legal rights of any third party. In the case of any unqualified entry, the organizer has the right to unilaterally cancel qualifications of participation or awards at any point.
3. The submission of video is deemed authorization for the organizer to use the content of video for editing, as well as online and offline promotion and display.
4. Any matters not covered herein will be further announced as necessary. China Cultural Centre in Sydney reserves the right of final interpretation of this announcement.

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