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New Vision —Online Exhibition of Chinese Young Artists Excellent Artwork


In the context of globalization, young Chinese artists pay more attention to the expression of individual experience and create a space for self-disclosure. While inheriting and carrying forward the value of Chinese traditional culture, they use contemporary art, an international language to express their views on spiritual value and social reality from different perspectives.

In cooperation with Network International Culturalink Entities, China Cultural Centre in Sydney is launching New Vision, Online Exhibition of Chinese Young Artists Excellent Artwork on our website and social media platforms. Presented in multiple angles and all-round dimensions, this exhibition selects 50 outstanding works of young Chinese artists on display, including oil paintings, comprehensive art paintings, Chinese paintings and other Chinese and Western artworks. With open, tolerant, vigorous and young artistic vitality, these artists are inspired by Chinese history and culture, using innovative techniques to express their views on the changes of the times and humanities with unique perspectives and different artistic expressions. They created a brand-new art space, wonderfully showing their exploration and a new style in contemporary art.

This exhibition could be a great platform for communication between young Chinese and Australian artists, thereby promoting exchanges and mutual learning between young Chinese and Australian artists, and stimulating more artistic inspiration.

张庭群 Zhang Tingqun


Born in Fujian, China, 1981. Graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute with a bachelor’s degree in 2002. Both rational and emotional elements are in Zhang Tingqun’s image world. One particular and extremely touching drawing language has been generated by subtlety combination of these elements. His artworks are mainly abstract paintings on paper and canvas, which are perfect to savor the emotions of simple, elegant, veiled and gentle. Lines are the critical elements in his artworks. His lines, are the lines which Chinese artists draw on the Chinese painting paper. In the concept of Chinese painting, lines are one kind of extractions and refining. Zhang Tingqun’s lines are the painting itself, the symbols exchanges information. It is quite challenging to say which of the lines are redundant, each straight line and curve has its unique role.

廖建华 Miao Jianhua

1981 年出生于湖南;2005 年毕业于岳阳师范学院;现工作生活于北京。廖建华的作品都是某种简化的“形”,无限重复,画面整体看上去很平静,而细微处那些简化的“形”却都在运动中。仿佛不停地分裂生长,很有张力地延伸着,这些“形”繁复而有秩序,重叠交错而有方向,变化微妙而无穷。

Born in Hunan in 1981. Graduated from Yueyang Normal University in 2005; currently lives and works in Beijing. Liao Jianhua’s works are all simplified “forms” those being repeated infinitely. The overall picture looks calm, but the simplified “forms” in the details are in motion. It seems to keep splitting and growing, extending with great tension. These “shapes” are complicated and orderly, overlapping and staggered with directions, and the changes are subtle and endless.

陈子风 Chen Zifeng


Born in Hunan in 1976. Graduated from Hunan Arts and Crafts Vocational College with a bachelor’s degree. Currently lives and works in Beijing. Through the meticulous representation of concrete or virtual objects, Chen Zifeng presents the unspeakable imagination into a concrete and real space environment. Every carefully constructed visual space is filled with flowing rational subjective temperament. Images presented by these works pursue a modern and futuristic experience-aesthetics, which are like reality, virtual and symbolic.

张文彬 Zhang Wenbin

1980 年出生于河北,2004 年毕业于天津美术学院获学士学位,2007 年毕业于天津美术学院获硕士学位。张文彬的作品用水纹的形式来模拟人类思维的某种特质:永远在波动,变化,逝者如斯,不舍昼夜。有着丰富的视觉表面,你可以看见和感知到它的流动与变化,却不能把握住它具体形象,只能依靠想象与理解去弥补,不可琢磨又兼具理性。通过这样的作品来打破物质“水”与人“意识”的界限。

Born in Hebei, China, 1980. Graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelor’s degree, 2004. Graduated from Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts with a master’s degree, 2007. Zhang Wenbin’s artworks use water waves to express and stimulate human thinking idiosyncrasies: fluctuating, transforming, and non-stopping. The visual surface is so abundant, you can even observe and feel its floating and changing, but cannot seize its actual figure. It cannot be described like a portrait, only your own imagination and understanding shall apply. Elusive but rational. This kind of artworks breaks through the boundary between material “water” and human “consciousness”.

龙晗 Long Han

1985年出生于湖北;2007年毕业于中国美术学院油画系,获学士学位;2012年毕业于德国柏林艺术大学绘画系  获硕士学位 ,现工作生活于杭州。龙晗“在孩子们脑海里的风景”系列作品,是源于他在柏林学习期间,常常会在街上看到很多德国小孩,每每与他们四目相对,他们的眼神总给艺术家一种似曾相识的感觉,正是有着这样的感觉存在,龙晗便试图将柏林孩子们的肖像和杭州西湖的风景,这两种截然不同的元素结合,找到一种特别的共鸣和时空的交错感。

Born in Hubei, China, 1985. Graduated from China Academy of Art, School of Painting with a bachelor’s degree in 2007. Graduated from Universität der Künste Berlin (Berlin University of Arts), School of Painting with a master’s degree in 2012. Currently lives and works in Hangzhou. In Long Han’s artwork “Landschaft in der Kinder-Köpfen”, the topic is German, translated as “Landscape in Children’s Minds”. The spark of this artwork is originated from the eyes of kids on the streets which often gave him a particular familiar feeling while Long Han was studying in Germany. This, is “Déjà vu”. Long Han tried to combine the portraits of kids in Berlin with the stunning scenery of West Lake in Hangzhou, one unique, special sense and echo has been discovered and raised from this special conjunction.

李龙飞 Li Longfei


Born in Guilin, Guangxi, 1988. Graduated from Central China Normal University, School of Painting in 2012. In Li Longfei’s creation, he combines the object and image rationally, takes its essence to generate and express the concept, uses the works to carry out indirect narration, and constructs “intriguing” thinking in rationality.

贾元华 Jia Yuanhua

1980年出生于北京;2003年毕业于北京联合大学信息学院;现工作生活于北京。贾元华的作品主体采用油画刀在湿油画颜料表面雕刻的方式完成,不借助尺子、投影仪, 没有草稿,只凭一把油画刀,一切皆在心中, 然后一点点“刻”画出来。由于受到温度等自然条件的制约,如果未能在颜料表面形成油膜之前完成,便只有扔掉,一切须从头开始。出于对中国传统文化的喜爱,他的作品也多选材于此。比如江南古建,以及我们现在常说的非物质文化遗产,自然资源与环境保护,人和社会及自然的关系等。

Born in Beijing in 1980. Graduated from Beijing Union University, School of Information in 2003. Currently lives and works in Beijing. The main body of Jia Yuanhua’s work is done by engraving on the surface of wet oil paint with an oil painting knife. No ruler or projector, no drafts, only one oil painting knife, everything is in his heart, and then “carved” little by little. Due to the restriction of natural conditions such as temperature, if it is not completed before the oil film is formed on the surface of the paint, it has to be thrown away and everything has to be started from scratch again. By the love for traditional Chinese culture, concepts of his works are also inspired from it. For example, Jiangnan ancient buildings, as well as the intangible cultural heritage we often talk about, natural resources and environmental protection, the relationship between man and society and nature.

唐明伟 Tang Mingwei


Born in Sichuan, China, 1985. Graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. Tang Mingwei considers marks from mechanical operation processes as a unique kind of emotion. It is the beauty of geometry. Artists tries to imitate them, restore them, sense of controlling lies within the subconsciousness somehow. The author wants to endow one kind of emotion, a rhythm by length-width ratio and color rendering to the simple mechanical bodies. This emotion sometimes specific, sometimes fuzzy, it would be wonderful if someone meets and feels the same type of indescribable mojo.

李治 Li Zhi

1983 年出生于贵州;2008年毕业于贵州师范大学美术学院综合系获学士学位; 2007年进驻贵阳城市零件当代艺术工作室。李治手中的画笔一直致力对我们少年时代共同记忆的描绘,二维平面对三维空间的还原,在这样一些如折纸模型般的空间里 , 李治摆放着他的那些剪纸样的物件 :京剧小人、动物、玩具,充满童趣,大块明亮的颜色给人以温暖热情。

Born in in Guizhou, China, 1983. Graduated from Guizhou Normal University, School of Mixed Media Arts with a bachelor’s degree in 2008. Joined Guiyang Urban Component Contemporary Art Studio in 2007. Li Zhi’s childhood memories were expressed as surreal existence by variety of elements, which also created special 2D/3D visual experience by drawing as on the plain surface. The restoration of the two-dimensional plane surface to the three-dimensional space. In such a space like an origami model, Li Zhi puts his paper-cut objects, like Peking Opera villains, animals, toys, full of childishness, and big bright colors give people with warmth and enthusiasm.

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